Dashboard Header
Broadcast Banner: A broadcast message in the agent and admin portal is a communication sent to all users or agents simultaneously. The user can set the priority, and messages shown to an agent will be limited to those sent to the team of which the agent/admin is a member. The broadcast message is configured in the Admin Portal > Broadcast.
Broadcast messages will be displayed at the top of every page until midnight of the day they are sent or until the expiry date, whichever is earlier. However, all broadcast messages with an expiry date after midnight of the date they were sent will be available in the Internal Broadcast > Message section until expiry.
Date: The date is to display today's date. This is as per your selected time zone.
Time: Time is to display the current time. This is as per your selected time zone.
Messages: This is a notification icon that shows the user the number of notifications they have received.
Notifications: This is a notification icon , and it shows the user the number of notifications they have received. When a user clicks on the notification icon it provides them with options to read all notifications and unread notifications.
Help Icon: This is the help icon , and a user can find FAQs, Release Notes etc. here.
Emergency Mode: The emergency icon in the portal is a special feature designed to handle urgent situations like platform outages etc. When clicked, this icon is activated, it overrides the regular Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. This means that all incoming calls will be redirected through the emergency call flow instead of the usual call flow. This ensures that emergency calls are prioritized and handled appropriately.
Profile: This is the user’s profile, where users can change the account settings and log out of the application.
Account Settings: The account settings allow users to change their name, email, password, and time zones as per their requirements.
To change the email, type the new email. Click the "Update" button to confirm and the "Cancel" button to discard the email change request.
To change the password, type the current password and you will be able to type the new password, then confirm the new password. Click the "Update" button to confirm and the "Cancel" button to discard the password change request.
To change the account name, toggle from the Login Information tab to the Account Contact tab and enter a new account name in the "Full Name" field. Click the "Update" button to confirm and the "Cancel" button to discard the Account Contact change request.
To change the timezone, toggle from the Account Contact tab to the Timezone tab, then click on the dropdown menu to select the required time zone from the list. Click the "Update" button to confirm and the "Cancel" button to discard the request.
LOB Filter: Select the LOB as required from the dropdown menu. Admin portal users might have access to one or more LOBs, user will be able to access only one LOB at any point in time.
Locate this filter on the right side of the admin portal page below the application header.
Dashboard Footer
The footer of the page allows the user to view results per page and navigate from one result page to another.
Note: The pagination numbers will be different for different resolutions (the default is 1080p) in the Dashboard. If more records are available to display, the system will use pagination for the user's benefit.
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