The purpose of the Wrap-Up is for agents to document essential details about the call and take relevant notes based on their conversation with the caller or customer. The Call Wrap-Up tab is visible within the Dialpad panel of the Agent portal when a call is connected. In the admin portal, admins can configure the Wrap-Up section to align with the organization’s specific needs.
Access the Wrap-Up tab via Toku Admin Portal: Admin Portal> Configuration > Others > Wrap Up.
Page screenshot is available below:
Wrap Up Details
- Max Countdown Timer: This is the countdown timer set by admins in seconds. Agents are given this time to complete any after-call activities, including taking call notes. Once the timer counts down to 0, the wrap-up page will be auto submitted with default values if not filled.
- Max Notes Characters: This field specifies the maximum number of characters that agents can use when taking notes during the wrap-up process. It ensures that notes are concise and within a set limit.
- Default Call Category: This drop-down menu allows admins to set a default category for calls. By setting default, system will make sure default value is saved against the call if nothing was added by an agent. If agent selects any value in the Agent portal's wrapup tab, it will override the default config,
- Default Call Type: This drop-down menu lets admins set a default type for calls. By setting default, system will make sure default value is saved against the call if nothing was added by an agent. If agent selects any value in the Agent portal's wrapup tab, it will override the default config,
- Default Call Notes: This field allows admins to set default notes that will be automatically included in the wrap-up. Agents can add or modify these notes based on the specific details of the call. By setting default, system will make sure default value is saved against the call if no notes was taken by the agent during or after the call. If agent add any notes in the Agent portal's wrapup tab, it will override the default config,
- Default Take Me Now Status: This setting determines the default status for agents after completing a call. It can be set to “Available” or to the last selected status in the agent portal, ensuring a smooth transition between calls.
Toggle Buttons
The toggle buttons labelled “Show” and “Hide” is available for each Call Category, Call Type, Call Notes, and Take Me Now Status fields is used to control the visibility of the field in the Agent Portal's Wrapup tab:
- Show
: When admins set the toggle button to “Show", agent portal will show the field for agent to select or add any value.
- Hide
: When admins set the toggle button to “Hide,” agent portal will hide that particular field for the agent to select or add any value.
The toggle buttons labelled “Mandatory” and “Optional” in the below image are used to control whether certain fields are must for the agents to fill out during wrapup. Here’s what they mean:
- Mandatory
: When the toggle button is set to “Mandatory,” it means that agents are required to fill out that field. This ensures that essential information is always captured during the call wrap-up process.
- Optional
: When the toggle button is set to “Optional,” it means that filling out that field is not required. Agents can choose to provide information in that field if they find it relevant, but it is optional.
In the image, the fields labelled “Call Category” and “Take Me Now Status” are set to “Mandatory,” indicating that agents must fill these out. The fields labelled “Call Type” and “Call Notes” are set to “Optional,” meaning agents can choose whether or not to fill them based on the specifics of the call.
This setup allows admins to ensure that critical information is always collected while giving agents the flexibility to provide additional details as needed.
Save Button: This button can be used to save the changes done on the Wrapup page.
Cancel Button: Clicking this button revert any changes done by the user and not yet saved.
Call Category
On the below page, you can view the list of Call Categories with the below field names:
Name: This column lists the names of the call categories.
Action: This column contains icons that suggest actions such as edit or delete for each entry. These icons allow admins to manage the categories by making changes or removing them as needed.
- Edit
: When an admin wants to edit the existing Call Category, they can do so by clicking the edit button next to the name of the Call Category. The below screen will appear, allowing admins to make the necessary changes. After making the changes, they can click save to save the changes or click cancel to discard the changes made to the call category and come back to the Wrapup page.
- Delete
: When an admin wants to delete an existing Call Category, they can do so by clicking the delete button. A confirmation dialogue will appear, asking the admin to confirm the deletion. If the admin confirms, the Call Category will be permanently deleted. If they cancel, the deletion will be aborted.
Add Call Category
There is a button which can be used by authorized admin users to create a new Call Category. Clicking on the button opens up a new page to at least add the mandatory fields and create a category. Below is the screenshot after the user clicks on the button:
Name: This is a required field, indicated by the asterisk (*). You should enter a unique name for the call category here.
Description: This field allows you to provide additional information about the call category. While this field is optional, adding a description can help clarify the purpose or specifics of the call category.
Save Button: This can be used to save the changes done on the Add Call Category page.
Cancel Button: Clicking this takes the user back to the Wrapup page without saving the changes.
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